Sunday, November 20, 2011

Snow!! :D

Yo! It's Chibiko!! Hahaha......I haven't posted in quite a long time. It's not my fault! Well maybe it is.....either I'm too lazy or just busy. Believe me, its been insane at school.

Here is my poem that I will be posting! I just made it up now because well, there is so much snow on the ground! I don't care if it sucks, it shows how much I love snow!


Walking out of the house
I notice it was all white.

Snow has come.
The ending of the warm summer
and cool autumn.

As I breathed,
a cloud appeared.

The world outside
has completely changed.

Snow has come.
The ending of the warm summer
and cool autumn.


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Maggie again!!!


there are two main categories of single

just before relationship

just after relationship

just after relationship
consists of mostly ice cream eating,
sweat pants wearing,
and weeping in your best friends arms.

this continues for about
2 weeks
and after that
 you are expected
 to slip to to the other category:

Just before relationship
this is were
you primp,
and flirt
and generally
throw yourself
 into the arms
of any male that will catch you
or even ones that won't

but I propose
a third category:
where the word means what it says
and says what it means
where girls have fun with their friends
and every conversation does not center around boys
where SINGLE
and happy
can be synonyms

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Science Class.

Hello world. It's the "T" here (Tamara). Lol. I feel like a rapper.... Not really but i wanted to say that. Ok. So I'm sitting in Science class and I didn't know what I would do when Jen said I should put a poem on here but I don't have a poem... I'll think of something while I'm sitting here.... (This is a free poem so don't judge me)

Science Class

I have nothing to do

The wall says 2 motorcyclists snatch dog poo

I have nothing to say

All the boys are giving a bay (like a dog)

Teacher doesn't care

I could give a trumpet fair

I probably should be nice

But i want to throw a pair of dice

I know. I know. It sucks but I'm not a professional poet. I said don't judge me!!!    :(
Jen and the teacher that I mentioned in the above poem have both read this along with another friend of ours. "Teacher" and Jen both said it was sad that i was using my spare time in science class to blog when I could be playing games but I felt obligated to write a poem for you guys since I didn't do that in the first post. "Teacher" laughed when she read this though so i guess my poetry skills aren't too bad.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Number 5, I guess?

Arre we Numbering our posts? just wondering.

YAY!! jen added me! woot woot!

I am the person writing this blog, or one of many... also known as Maggie.

Here is a poem that I wrote for drama because we were supposed to do a comic love poem. I didn't actually perform it though so I though you guys might like it.

I love pi
as in 3.14
but I also love you
in fact maybe more

which is weird 
because everyone knows that you suck at math
and it's pretty obvious 
you have no career path

I always said 
I'd never fall for a guy
who couldn't at least 
appreciate pi

but now I've been wondering
exactlly why do I care?
You're so dang sweet 
with really great hair

so maybe it's time 
to let go of pi
and fall for a boy
who might make me cry

but if it works out
if we get that far
at least i'll have a guy
to change the tires on my car <3

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Number Four

Yes i right the word "number" and not the abbreviations. I am the fourth poet or writer (whatever you want to call it) that Jen has told you all about. I'm not a big poet but i will most definitely give it my all. I don't have a poem for you today but I will tell you what poems I enjoy. I enjoy simple poems that are sweet and kind (like "roses are red".) If a poem gets too big I get confused and don't want to read it however i will try to make sense of it. That is my... rant i guess. Don't hate me and i will try my best.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

(the poem with no title and screwed up font)

Hey everybody!

I guess I'm third.... =(
I was originally going to be first, but then they started without me!
So, we created this blog to post the poetry that my friends and I write in LA class. Who are my friends? Well, if you know us our names are Jen, Chibiko (she won't let me post her real name!) , Meg, and maybe Tamara. We are a bunch of nerdy friends at our school that said "hey, poetry, let's try it!" Oh the inspiration behind this? Totally our English teacher. He is like a nutcase. He calls me a smart ass everyday! And the goal of this blog? Well, we were are PLANNING to each post a poem every week. But, that will probably last a month. Not to be pessimistic or anything.

My first poem is going to be one I already posted on my other blog  (Check it out!)

SO *big breath*   Here I go!

(the poem with no title and screwed up font)

I’m supposed to let you drive

let you have control
of my life.
I’m not supposed to hurt.

If you take my hand

I could live like
you want me to.
I’m not supposed to
have scars.
You could open my eyes
to everything
around me.

what if I let go?
and lose control

what if you’re not there
to catch me?
Will I fall…

I’m not supposed to have scars.


Monday, September 26, 2011

My Turn!!

Meg = 2nd the best! I guess it's my turn to do a blog post now. COOL BEANS!!

Well anyways I am the Meg that had the idea for this blog!!

Ya! Anyways I epically failed at starting numerous other blogs but well lets hope that this is the one that works out for me!

Personally I am not bad at writing poems but I would much rather be reading or reciting them. Any who, I chose something slightly different for my first poem on this blog but I hope you enjoy it!!

The Answer is in the Question


m. larose


Well that's the poem that I chose to do and yes it is a type of poetry. So there! To all those elementary school teachers that told me I had to rhyme, I don't have to rhyme no shit no more.

And to all those haters out there. That's right your just sad because you didn't think of it. Haha!

Well anyways to those who did like that poem cool beans!Thanks for reading and let us know about any poem ideas you have in the comment section BELOW and we'll see what we can do...

This is Meg and I'm Signing Out!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

It's all up to me...

Hi! This is Chibiko from uh......oh yeah! From this blog! - Manga Freak!

Well since Jenny Jen was supposed to do the first post but didn't have time, I did it instead!

As you know (or not), I am a classmate and forever friends with Jenny Jen from the blog, Inside my Head.

Since we make a whole bunch of poems for L.A class (no joke), my friend Meg suggested that we make a blog that consisted of our poems. I have alot of friends that are going to be posting poems so look forward to them! We would post one poem every week (or at least try to...).

Just to throw it out there, I suck at poems so go ahead and laugh at how my poems suck. Just don't critize them! I'm not amazing......and I personally hate writing poems. I actually love reading some because some are just down right amazing! :D

Well here I go. The first poem of the week. I guess I'll start with my favorite one.....hehe.... ^ ^


I can't think of anything else
My mind is clouded
with the thought of Chocolate.

Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!!!
Oh, how I want some of it right now.
Oh, my stomach craves for the sweet sensation of
how it melts in your mouth
And sticks to your tongue
and teeth.

I love how it brightens my day
even on my off days.

Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!!!

There you go. My poem. I think its ok considering its from me. Thank you for reading it! Please look forward to more poems!!! :D
