Thursday, May 30, 2013

Love poem to........ :)

Just something for a special someone ^_^

My mind is swirling like a heartbeat
my face is starting to feel the heat
its almost like my life is admitting defeat
this treat,
I'd like to meet

At first,
this feeling felt like a curse
but they immersed
in a burst

Your stare
is looking elsewhere
and I'm fully aware
of your presence

This horrid feeling
was aching
of jealousy

I stepped out
and took a different route
out of the zone
to ask you out

I got scared
but it was nothing compared
to about how much you cared

The beauty that you show
makes me glow
The longer I know you
I don't want to say "adieu"
My feelings for you continue to grow
Me and you make a great combo

Though people don't approve
I'm not going to move
No matter what people say
I'll keep loving you until the end of the day
